How to pronounce Jiang?

4 entries

Pronunciation of Jiang


"Jiang" is a common chinese surname. The spelling accords with Pinyin, the modern phonetic symbols of chinese mandarin. This surname is spelled as "Chiang" Taiwan, "Kong" or "Cheung" in Hong Kong as a variant of Cantonese dialect. I am a Chinese linguist in Shanghai, You can count on me. [email protected]


Pronunciation of Jiang

Jiang is pronounced as

ch ih ae ng

ch sounds like the 'ch' in 'chin'
ih sounds like the 'i' in 'it'
ae sounds like the 'a' in 'at'
ng sounds like the 'ng' in 'sing'

Jiang is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ ch ih ae ng ]

ch ih ae ng
chin it at sing


Pronunciation of Jiang

Jiang is pronounced as

j ih y ah ng

j sounds like the 'j' in 'jug'
ih sounds like the 'i' in 'it'
y sounds like the 'y' in 'yes'
ah sounds like the 'a' in 'car'
ng sounds like the 'ng' in 'sing'

Jiang is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling:[ j ih y ah ng ]

j ih y ah ng
jug it yes car sing


Pronunciation of Jiang

One syllable JIHYANG
